Kinematics Question 449

Question: A metal sphere it’s hung by a string fixed to a wall. The sphere it’s pushed away from the wall by a stick. The forces acting on the sphere are shown in the second diagram. Which of the following statements it’s wrong?


A) $ P=W\tan \theta $

B) $ \vec{T}+\vec{P}+\vec{W}=0 $

C) $ T^{2}=P^{2}+W^{2} $

D) $ T=P+W $

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Correct Answer: C


[c] As the metal sphere it’s in equilibrium under the effect of the three forces therefore

$ \overrightarrow{T}+\overrightarrow{P}+\overrightarrow{W}=0 $

$ T\cos \theta =W $ …(i)

$ T\sin \theta =P $ …(ii)

From equation (i) and (ii) we get

$ P=W\tan \theta $ and $ T^{2}=P^{2}+W^{2} $

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