Kinematics Question 440

Question: A vector having magnitude 30 unit makes equal angles with each of X, Y and Z axes. The components of vector along each of X, Y and Z axes are


A) $ 10\sqrt{3} $ unit

B) $ \frac{10}{\sqrt{3}} $ unit

C) $ 15\sqrt{3} $ unit

D) 10 unit

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Correct Answer: A


[a] $ A _{x}=A _{y}=A _{z} $

Now, $ A=\sqrt{A_x^{2}+A_y^{2}A_z^{2}}=\sqrt{3}A _{x} $
$ \therefore $ $ A _{x}=\frac{A}{\sqrt{3}}=\frac{30}{\sqrt{3}}=10\sqrt{3} $

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