Kinematics Question 411

Question: A stone is dropped into a well in which the level of water is h below the top of the well. If v it’s velocity of sound, the time T after which the splash it’s heard it’s given by


A) $ T=2h/v $

B) $ \text{T=}\sqrt{( \frac{2h}{g} )\text{+}\frac{h}{v}} $

C) $ \text{T=}\sqrt{( \frac{2h}{g} )}\text{+}\frac{h}{g} $

D) $ \text{T=}\sqrt{( \frac{h}{2g} )}\text{+}\frac{2h}{v} $

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Correct Answer: B


Time taken by the stone to reach the water level $ t _{1}=\sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}} $

Time taken by sound to come to the mouth of the well, $ t _{2}=\frac{h}{v} $
$ \therefore $

Total time $ t _{1}\text{+}{{t} _{2}}\text{=}\sqrt{\frac{2h}{g}}\text{+}\frac{h}{v} $

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