Kinematics Question 410

Question: A ball is released from the top of tower of height h meter. It takes T second to reach the ground. What is the position in (m) from the ground of the ball in T/3 second?


A) $ \frac{h}{9} $

B) $ \frac{7h}{9} $

C) $ \frac{8h}{9} $

D) $ \frac{17h}{18} $

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Correct Answer: C


In $ \frac{T}{3} $ sec, the distance travelled = $ \frac{1}{2}g{{( \frac{T}{3} )}^{2}}\text{=}\frac{h}{9} $

$ \therefore $ Position of the ball from the ground = $ h-\frac{h}{9}=\frac{8h}{9}m $

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