Kinematics Question 41

Question: Assertion : $ \vec{A}\times \vec{B} $ is perpendicular to both $ \vec{A}+\vec{B} $ as well as $ \vec{A}-\vec{B}. $ Reason : $ \vec{A}+\vec{B} $ as well as $ \vec{A}-\vec{B} $ lie in the plane containing $ \vec{A} $ and $ \vec{B} $ , but $ \vec{A}\times \vec{B} $ lies perpendicular to the plane containing $ \vec{A} $ and $ \vec{B}. $


A) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.

B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.

C) If assertion is true but reason is false.

D) If the assertion and reason both are false.

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Correct Answer: A


Cross product of two vectors is perpendicular to the plane containing both the vectors.

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