Kinematics Question 397

Question: The ball is projected up from ground with speed $ 30m/sec $ . What is the average velocity for time 0 to 4 sec?


A) $ 10m/sec $

B) $ 20m/sec $

C) $ \text{15 }m/sec $

D) $ zero $

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Correct Answer: A


We should know the displacement in this time.

$ \text{=}\overrightarrow{u}\text{t+}\frac{1}{2}\overrightarrow{a}{{t}^{2}} $

(We take upward as positive)

$ S=30\times 4-10\times 4\times \frac{4}{2}=40\text{ m}\text{.} $

The average velocity will be $ 10m/sec $ .

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