Kinematics Question 37

Question: y component of velocity is 20 and x component of velocity is 10. The direction of motion of the body with the horizontal at this instant is [Manipal 2003]


A) $ {{\tan }^{-1}}(2) $

B) $ {{\tan }^{-1}}(1/2) $

C) 45°

D) 0°

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Correct Answer: A


$ v _{y}=20 $ and $ v _{x}=10 $
$ \therefore $ velocity $ \vec{v}=10\hat{i}+20\hat{j} $

direction of velocity with x axis

$ \tan \theta =\frac{v _{y}}{v _{x}}=\frac{20}{10}=2 $
$ \therefore $ $ \theta ={{\tan }^{-1}}(2) $

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