Kinematics Question 255

Question: A particle moves from position $ 3\hat{i}+2\hat{j}-6\hat{k} $ to $ 14\hat{i}+13\hat{j}+9\hat{k} $ due to a uniform force of $ (4\hat{i}+\hat{j}+3\hat{k})N. $ If the displacement in meters then work done will be [CMEET 1995; Pb. PMT 2002, 03]


A) 100 J

B) 200 J

C) 300 J

D) 250 J

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Correct Answer: A


$ S=\overrightarrow{r_2}-\overrightarrow{r_1} $

$ W=\overrightarrow{F}.\overrightarrow{S} $

$ =(4\hat{i}+\hat{j}+3\hat{k}).(11\hat{i}+11\hat{j}+15\hat{k}) $

$ =(4\times 11+1\times 11+3\times 15)=100J. $

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