Kinematics Question 229

Question: Three different objects of masses $ m _{1},m _{2} $ and $ m _{3} $ are allowed to fall from rest and from the same point o along three different frictionless paths. The speeds of the three objects, on reaching the ground, will be in the ratio of [AIIMS 2002]


A) $ m _{1}:m _{2}:m _{3} $

B) $ m _{1}:2m _{2}:3m _{3} $

C) 1 : 1 : 1

D) $ \frac{1}{m _{1}}:\frac{1}{m _{2}}:\frac{1}{m _{3}} $

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Correct Answer: C


Speed of the object at reaching the ground $ v=\sqrt{2gh} $ If heights are equal then velocity will also be equal.

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