Kinematics Question 1

Question: There are two force vectors, one of 5 N and other of 12 N at what angle the two vectors be added to get resultant vector of 17 N, 7 N and 13 N respectively


A) $ 0{}^\circ $ , $ 180{}^\circ $ and $ 90{}^\circ $

B) $ 0{}^\circ $ , $ 90{}^\circ $ and $ 180{}^\circ $

C) $ 0{}^\circ $ , $ 90{}^\circ $ and $ 90{}^\circ $

D) $ 180{}^\circ $ , $ 0{}^\circ $ and $ 90{}^\circ $

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Correct Answer: A


For 17 N both the vector should be parallel i.e. angle between them should be zero. For 7 N both the vectors should be antiparallel i.e. angle between them should be $ 180{}^\circ $ For 13 N both the vectors should be perpendicular to each other i.e. angle between them should be $ 90{}^\circ $

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