Gravitation Question 347

Question: A satellite is launched in the equatorial plane in such a way that it can transmit signals up to $ [60{}^\circ ] $ latitude on the earth. The angular velocity of the satellite is


A) $ [\sqrt{\frac{GM}{8R^{3}}}] $

B) $ [\sqrt{\frac{GM}{2R^{3}}}] $

C) $ [\sqrt{\frac{GM}{4R^{3}}}] $

D) $ [\sqrt{\frac{3\sqrt{3}GM}{8R^{3}}}] $

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Correct Answer: A


  • In $ [\Delta AOB: cos 60{}^\circ= R\RightarrowOB = 2R] $

    Here gravitational force will provide the required centripetal force.

    Hence.$ [\frac{GMm}{{{\left( OB \right)}^{2}}}=m\left( OB \right){{\omega }^{2}}] $ $ [\Rightarrow \omega =\sqrt{\frac{GM}{{{(OB)}^{3}}}}=\sqrt{\frac{GM}{{{(2R)}^{3}}}}\Rightarrow \omega =\sqrt{\frac{GM}{8R^{3}}}] $

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