Gravitation Question 222

Question: A rectangular block of size $ [10cm\times 8cm\times 5cm] $ is kept in three different positions P, Q and R in turn as . In each case, the shaded area is rigidly fixed and a definite force F is applied tangentially to the opposite face to deform the block. The displacement of the upper face will be


A) Same in all the three cases

B)Maximum in $ [P] $ position

C)Maximum in $ [Q] $ position

D)Maximum in $ [R] $ position

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Correct Answer: D


  • $ [\eta =\frac{F/A}{x/L}\Rightarrow x=\frac{L}{\eta }\times \frac{F}{A}] $ In $ [\eta ] $ and F are constant, then $ [x\propto \frac{L}{A}] $ For maximum displacement, area at which force applied should be minimum and vertical side should be maximum. This is given in the R position of rectangular block.

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