Gravitation Question 178

Question: The distance of neptune and saturn from sun are nearly $ [10^{13}] $ and $ [10^{12}] $ meters respectively. Assuming that they move in circular orbits, their periodic times will be in the ratio[NCERT 1975; CBSE PMT 1994; MP PET 2001]


A) $ [\sqrt{10}] $

B) 100

C) $ [10\sqrt{10}] $

D) $ [1/\sqrt{10}] $

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Correct Answer: C


$ [\frac{T_{1}}{T_{2}}={{\left( \frac{R_{1}}{R_{2}} \right)}^{3/2}}={{\left( \frac{10^{13}}{10^{12}} \right)}^{3/2}}={{(1000)}^{1/2}}] $ $ [=10\sqrt{10}] $

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