Gravitation Question 176

Question: Four particles each of mass M, are located at the vertices of a square with side L. The gravitational potential due to this at the centre of the square is[Kerala PET 2005]


A) $ [-\sqrt{32}\frac{GM}{L}] $

B) $ [-\sqrt{64}\frac{GM}{L^{2}}] $

C) Zero

D) $ [\sqrt{32}\frac{GM}{L}] $

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Correct Answer: A


Potential at the centre due to single mass = $ [\frac{-GM}{L/\sqrt{2}}] $

Potentialat the centre due to all four masses = $ [-4\frac{GM}{L/\sqrt{2}}] $

$ [-4\sqrt{2}\frac{GM}{L}] $ $ [=-\sqrt{32}\times \frac{GM}{L}.] $

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