Gravitation Question 172

Question:The escape velocity from earth is $ [v _{es}.] $ A body is projected with velocity $ [2v _{es}] $ with what constant velocity will it move in the inter planetary space[DCE 2002]


A) $ [v _{es}] $

B) $ [3v _{es}] $

C) $ [\sqrt{3}v _{es}] $

D) $ [\sqrt{5}v _{es}] $

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Correct Answer: C


Velocity of body in inter planetary space

$ [v’=\sqrt{v^{2}-v _{es}^{2}}] $

where $ [v _{es}=] $ escape velocity and

v = velocity of projection $ [v’=\sqrt{{{(2v _{es})}^{2}}-v _{es}^{2}}=\sqrt{3v _{es}^{2}}] $

Þ $ [v’=\sqrt{3}\ v _{es}] $

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