Gravitation Question 141

Question: The escape velocity from the earth is about 11 km/second. The escape velocity from a planet having twice the radius and the same mean density as the earth, is [NCERT 1980; MP PMT 1987; MP PET 2001, 2003; AIIMS 2001; UPSEAT 1999]


A) 22 km/sec

B) 11 km/sec

C) 5.5 km/sec

D) 15.5 km/sec

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Correct Answer: A


$ [v_{e}=\sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}}=R\sqrt{\frac{8}{3}\pi G\rho }] $ $ [v_{e}\propto R] $ if r = constant Since the planet having double radius in comparison to earth therefore the escape velocity becomes twice i.e. 22 km/s.

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