Electrostatics Question 73

Question: A capacitor when filled with a dielectric $ K=3 $ has charge $ Q _{0} $ , voltage $ V _{0} $ and field$ E _{0} $ . If the dielectric is replaced with another one having $ K=9 $ the new values of charge, voltage and field will be respectively


A) $ 3Q _{0},\ 3V _{0},\ 3E _{0} $

B) $ Q _{0},\ 3V _{0},\ 3E _{0} $

C) $ Q _{0},\ \frac{V _{0}}{3},\ 3E _{0} $

D) $ Q _{0},\ \frac{V _{0}}{3},\ \frac{E _{0}}{3} $

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Correct Answer: D


When there is no battery, charge remains same while potential difference and electric field decreases i.e. $ Q’=Q _{0},V’=\frac{V _{0}\times 3}{9}=\frac{V _{0}}{3} $ and $ E’=\frac{E _{0}\times 3}{9}=\frac{E _{0}}{3} $

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