Electrostatics Question 724

Question: Find the force experienced by a semicircular rod having a charge q as shown in Fig. Radius of the wire is R, and the line of charge with linear charge density $ \lambda $ passes through its center and is perpendicular to the plane of wire.


A) $ \frac{\lambda q}{2{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R} $

B) $ \frac{\lambda q}{{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R} $

C) $ \frac{\lambda q}{4{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R} $

D) $ \frac{\lambda q}{4\pi {\varepsilon _{0}}R} $

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Correct Answer: B


[b] $ F _{net}=\int _{{}}^{{}}{dqE\cos \theta } $

$ =\int\limits _{-\pi /2}^{\pi /2}{( \frac{q}{\pi R} )Rd\theta \frac{\lambda }{2\pi \varepsilon R}\cos \theta } $

$ =\frac{\lambda q}{2{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R}\int\limits _{-\pi /2}^{\pi /2}{\cos \theta d\theta =\frac{\lambda q}{2{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R}[ \sin \theta ] _{-\pi /2}^{\pi /2}} $

$ =\frac{\lambda q}{2{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R}[1-(-1)]=\frac{\lambda q}{{{\pi }^{2}}{\varepsilon _{0}}R} $

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