Electrostatics Question 723

Question: The electric field intensity at the center of a uniformly charged hemispherical shell is $ E _{0}. $ Now two portions of the remaining portion is shown in Fig. If $ \alpha =\beta =\pi /3 $ , then the electric field intensity at the center due to the remaining portion is


A) $ E _{0}/3 $

B) $ E _{0}/6 $

C) $ E _{0}/2 $

D) Information incomplete

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Correct Answer: C


[c] The magnitude of electric field intensity due to each part of the hemispherical surface at the center ?O? is same. Suppose it is E. $ E+\frac{E}{2}+\frac{E}{2}=E _{0} $ or $ 2E=E _{0}\text{ or }E=\frac{E _{0}}{2} $

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