Electrostatics Question 669

Question: Variation of electrostatic potential along the $ x $ -direction is shown in . The correct statement about electric field is


A) $ x $ -component at point B is maximum

B) $ x $ -component at point A is toward positive $ x $ -axis

C) $ x $ -component at point C is along negative $ x $ -axis

D) $ x $ -component at point C is along positive $ x $ - axis

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Correct Answer: D


[d] We know,

$ E=-\frac{dV}{dx}. $

At B, dV/dx=0, hence $ E _{x}=0 $ At A, dV/dx is positive, hence $ E _{x} $ is negative.

At C, dV/dx is negative, hence $ E _{x} $ is positive.

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