Electrostatics Question 635

Question: A 10 mF capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 1000 V. The terminals of the charged capacitor are disconnected from the power supply and connected to the terminals of an uncharged 6mF capacitor. What is the final potential difference across each capacitor [Kerala PMT 2005]


A) 167 V

B) 100 V

C) 625 V

D) 250 V

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Correct Answer: C


After charging, total charge on the capacitor Q = CV $ =\text{1}0\times \text{1}{{0}^{\text{6}}}F\times \text{1}000V=\text{1}{{0}^{\text{2}}}C $ .

Common potential $ V=\frac{C _{1}V _{1}}{C _{1}+C _{2}} $

$ =\frac{{{10}^{-2}}}{16\times {{10}^{-6}}} $ = 625V.

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