Electrostatics Question 627

Question: A potential of + 1200 V is given to point A and point B is earthed, what is the potential at the point P [MP PMT 2004]


A) 100 V

B) 200 V

C) 400 V

D) 600 V

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Correct Answer: C


Given circuit can be reduced as follows In series combination charge on each capacitor remain same.

So using Q = CV

therefore $ C _{1}V _{1}=C _{2}V _{2} $

therefore $ 3(1200-V _{p})=6(V _{P}-V _{B}) $

therefore $ 1200-V _{p}=2V _{p} $ (Q $ V _{B}=0) $

therefore 3Vp = 1200

therefore $ V _{p}=\text{ 4}00volt $

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