Electrostatics Question 626

Question: Two capacitors of capacitance 2mF and $ 3\mu F $ are joined in series. Outer plate first capacitor is at 1000 volt and outer plate of second capacitor is earthed (grounded). Now the potential on inner plate of each capacitor will be [MP PMT 2003]


A) 700 Volt

B) 200 Volt

C) 600 Volt

D) 400 Volt

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Correct Answer: D


Equivalent capacitance $ =\frac{2\times 3}{2+3}=\frac{6}{5}\mu F $

Total charge by $ Q=CV $

$ =\frac{6}{5}\times 1000=1200\mu C $

Potential (V) across $ 2\mu F $ is $ V=\frac{Q}{C}=\frac{1200}{2}=600volt $

Potential on internal plates $ =1000-600=400V $

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