Electrostatics Question 598

Question: Two capacitors A and B are connected in series with a battery . When the switch S is closed and the two capacitors get charged fully, then [MP PET 2000]


A) The potential difference across the plates of A is 4V and across the plates of B is 6V

B) The potential difference across the plates of A is 6V and across the plates of B is 4V

C) The ratio of electrical energies stored in A and B is 2 : 3

D) The ratio of charges on A and B is 3 : 2

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Correct Answer: B


In series combination of capacitors, voltage distributes on them, in the reverse ratio of their capacitance i.e. $ \frac{V _{A}}{V _{B}}=\frac{3}{2} $ ……(i) Also $ V _{A}+V _{B}=\text{ 1}0 $ …….(ii) On solving (i) and (ii) $ V _{A}=\text{ 6}V,V _{B}=\text{ 4}V $

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