Electrostatics Question 596

Question: In the circuit here, the steady state voltage across capacitor C is a fraction of the battery e.m.f. The fraction is decided by [AMU (Engg.) 2000]


A) $ {R _{\text{1}}} $ only

B) $ {R _{\text{1}}} $ and $ {R _{\text{2}}} $ only

C) $ R _{1} $ and $ R _{3} $ only

D) $ R _{1} $ ,$ R _{2} $ and $ R _{3} $

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Correct Answer: B


In steady state potential difference across capacitor

$ {V _{\text{2}}} $ = potential difference across resistance $ R _{2}=( \frac{R _{2}}{R _{1}+R _{2}} )V $

Hence ,$ {V _{\text{2}}} $

depends upon $ {R _{\text{2}}} $

and $ {R _{\text{1}}} $

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