Electrostatics Question 585

Question: The combined capacity of the parallel combination of two capacitors is four times their combined capacity when connected in series. This means that [EAMCET 1994]


A) Their capacities are equal

B) Their capacities are $ 1\mu F $ and $ 2\mu F $

C) Their capacities are $ 0.5\mu F $ and $ 1\mu F $

D) Their capacities are infinite

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Correct Answer: A


$ C _{p}=4C _{s} $

therefore $ (C _{1}+C _{2})=4\frac{C _{1}C _{2}}{(C _{1}+C _{2})} $

therefore $ {{(C _{1}-C _{2})}^{2}}=0 $

therefore $ C _{1}=C _{2} $

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