Electrostatics Question 556

Question: A $ 4\mu F $ condenser is connected in parallel to another condenser of$ 8\mu F $ . Both the condensers are then connected in series with a $ 12\mu F $ condenser and charged to $ 20\ volts $ . The charge on the plate of $ 4\mu F $ condenser is [MP PET 1989]


A) $ 3.3\mu C $

B) $ 40\mu C $

C) $ 80\mu C $

D) $ 240\mu C $

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Correct Answer: B


Equivalent capacitance of the circuit $ C _{eq}=6\mu F $

Charge supplied from source Q = 6x 20 =120 mC Hence charge on the plates of 4 mF capacitor $ =Q’=\frac{4}{(4+8)}\times 120=40\mu C $

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