Electrostatics Question 534

Question: Three capacitors $ C _{1} $ ,$ C _{2} $ and $ C _{3} $ joined to a battery. The correct condition will be (Symbols have their usual meanings) [CPMT 1988, 89]


A) $ Q _{1}=Q _{2}=Q _{3} $ and $ V _{1}=V _{2}=V _{3}=V $

B) $ Q _{1}=Q _{2}+Q _{3} $ and$ V=V _{1}+V _{2}+V _{3} $

C) $ Q _{1}=Q _{2}+Q _{3} $ and $ V=V _{1}+V _{2} $

D) $ Q _{2}=Q _{3} $ and $ V _{2}=V _{3} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ Q _{1}=Q _{2}+Q _{3} $ because in series combination charge is same on both the condenser and $ V=V _{1}+V _{2} $ because in parallel combination $ V _{2}=V _{3}. $ Hence $ V=V _{1}+V _{2} $

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