Electrostatics Question 527

Question: Three capacitors are connected to $ D.C. $ source of $ 100\ volts $ . If the charge accumulated on plates of $ C _{1},\ C _{2} $ and $ C _{3} $ are $ q _{a},\ q _{b},\ q _{c},q _{d}.q _{e} $ and$ q _{f} $ respectively, then [CPMT 1986]


A) $ q _{b}+q _{d}+q _{f}=\frac{100}{9}C $

B) $ q _{b}+q _{d}+q _{f}=0 $

C) $ q _{a}+q _{c}+q _{e}=50C $

D) $ q _{b}=q _{d}=q _{f} $

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Correct Answer: D


In series combination, charge is same on each capacitor.

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