Electrostatics Question 483

Question: If an insulated non-conducting sphere of radius R has charge density $ \rho $ . The electric field at a distance $ r $ from the centre of sphere $ (r<R) $ will be [BHU 2003]


A) $ \frac{\rho R}{3{\varepsilon _{0}}} $

B) $ \frac{\rho r}{{\varepsilon _{0}}} $

C) $ \frac{\rho r}{3{\varepsilon _{0}}} $

D) $ \frac{3\rho R}{{\varepsilon _{0}}} $

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Correct Answer: C


For non-conducting sphere $ E _{in}=\frac{k.Qr}{R^{3}}=\frac{\rho r}{3{\varepsilon _{0}}} $

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