Electrostatics Question 418

Question: A charged particle of mass $ 5\times {{10}^{-5}}kg $ is held stationary in space by placing it in an electric field of strength $ 10^{7}N{{C}^{-1}} $ directed vertically downwards. The charge on the particle is [EAMCET 2000]


A) $ -20\times {{10}^{-5}}\mu C $

B) $ -5\times {{10}^{-5}}\mu C $

C) $ 5\times {{10}^{-5}}\mu C $

D) $ 20\times {{10}^{-5}}\mu C $

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Correct Answer: B


QE = mg $ \Rightarrow Q=\frac{mg}{E}=\frac{5\times {{10}^{-5}}\times 10}{10^{7}} $

$ =5\times 10^{5}mC $ . Since electric field is acting downward so for balance charge must be negative.

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