Electrostatics Question 35

Question: The distance between the plates of a parallel plate condenser is $ 8mm $ and P.D. $ 120\ volts $ . If a $ 6mm $ thick slab of dielectric constant 6 is introduced between its plates, then


A) The charge on the condenser will be doubled

B) The charge on the condenser will be reduced to half

C) The P.D. across the condenser will be $ 320\ volts $

D) The P.D. across the condenser will be $ 45\ volts $

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Correct Answer: D


If nothing is said, it is considered that battery is disconnected.

Hence charge remain the same Also $ V _{air}=\frac{\sigma }{{\varepsilon _{0}}}\times d $

and $ V _{medium}=\frac{\sigma }{{\varepsilon _{0}}}(d-t+\frac{t}{k}) $

therefore $ \frac{V _{m}}{V _{a}}=\frac{(d-t+\frac{t}{k})}{d} $

therefore $ \frac{V _{m}}{120}=\frac{(8-6+\frac{6}{6})}{8} $

therefore Vm = 45V

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