Electrostatics Question 341

Question: The distance between the two charges $ 25\mu C $ and $ 36\mu C $ is $ 11cm $ At what point on the line joining the two, the intensity will be zero


A) At a distance of $ 5cm $ from $ 25\mu C $

B) At a distance of $ 5cm $ from $ 36\mu C $

C) At a distance of $ 10cm $ from $ 25\mu C $

D) At a distance of $ 11cm $ from $ 36\mu C $

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Correct Answer: A


Suppose electric field is zero at point N ,then At $ N| E _{1} |=| E _{2} | $ which gives $ x _{1}=\frac{x}{\sqrt{\frac{Q _{2}}{Q _{1}}}+1}=\frac{11}{\sqrt{\frac{36}{25}}+1}=5cm $

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