Electrostatics Question 27

Question: The area of each plate of a parallel plate capacitor is $ 100cm^{2} $ and the distance between the plates is$ 1mm $ . It is filled with mica of dielectric 6. The radius of the equivalent capacity of the sphere will be


A) $ 47.7\ m $

B) 4.77 $ m $

C) 477 $ m $

D) None of the above

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Correct Answer: B


$ C=\frac{{\varepsilon _{0}}AK}{d}=4\pi {\varepsilon _{0}}r $ r = Radius of sphere of equivalent capacity therefore $ r=\frac{AK}{4\pi d}=\frac{100\times {{10}^{-4}}\times 6}{1\times {{10}^{-3}}\times 4\times 3.14} $

$ =\frac{15}{3.14}=4.77m $

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