Electrostatics Question 25

Question: The radius of two metallic spheres $ A $ and $ B $ are $ r _{1} $ and $ r _{2} $ respectively $ (r _{1}>r _{2}) $ . They are connected by a thin wire and the system is given a certain charge. The charge will be greater


A) On the surface of the sphere $ B $

B) On the surface of the sphere $ A $

C) Equal on both

D) Zero on both

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Correct Answer: B


After connection of wire, potential becomes equal $ \frac{Q _{1}}{r _{1}}=\frac{Q _{2}}{r _{2}} $

therefore $ \frac{Q _{1}}{Q _{2}}=\frac{r _{1}}{r _{2}} $ when r1 > r2, then $ Q _{1}>Q _{2} $

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