Electrostatics Question 247

Question: There is a uniform electric field of strength $ 10^{3}V/m $ along y-axis. A body of mass 1g and charge $ \text{1}{{0}^{\text{6}}}C $ is projected into the field from origin along the positive x-axis with a velocity 10m/s. Its speed in m/s after 10s is (Neglect gravitation) [EAMCET 2001]


A) $ |{{\overrightarrow{E}} _{1}}|=|{{\overrightarrow{E}} _{2}}|,\ V _{1}=V _{2} $

B) $ {{\overrightarrow{E}} _{1}}\ne {{\overrightarrow{E}} _{2}},\ V _{1}\ne V _{2} $

C) $ {{\overrightarrow{E}} _{1}}\ne {{\overrightarrow{E}} _{2}},\ V _{1}=V _{2} $

D) $ |{{\overrightarrow{E}} _{1}}|=|{{\overrightarrow{E}} _{2}}|,\ V _{1}\ne V _{2} $

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Correct Answer: D


Outside the charged sphere, (for equal distances from centre) if electric fields at two points are same then both points must be equipotential points.

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