Electrostatics Question 243

Question: In the given two tiny conducting balls of identical mass m and identical charge q hang from non-conducting threads of equal length L. Assume that q is so small that $ \tan \theta \approx \sin \theta $ , then for equilibrium x is equal to [AMU 2000]


A) $ 2N $

B) $ 6N $

C) $ 8N $

D) $ 20N $

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Correct Answer: D


$ E _{x}=-\frac{dV}{dx}=-(6-8y^{2}), $

$ E _{y}=-\frac{dV}{dy}=-(-16xy-8+6z) $

$ E _{z}=-\frac{dV}{dz}=-(6y-8z) $

At origin x = y = z = 0 so,$ E _{x}=-6,E _{y}=8 $ and$ E _{z}=0 $

therefore $ E=\sqrt{E _{x}^{2}+E _{y}^{2}}=10N/C $ .

Hence force $ F=QE=2\times 10=20N $

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