Electrostatics Question 168

Question: A total charge Q is broken in two parts $ Q _{1} $ and $ Q _{2} $ and they are placed at a distance $ R $ from each other. The maximum force of repulsion between them will occur, when [MP PET 1990]


A) $ Q _{2}=\frac{Q}{R},\ Q _{1}=Q-\frac{Q}{R} $

B) $ Q _{2}=\frac{Q}{4},\ Q _{1}=Q-\frac{2Q}{3} $

C) $ Q _{2}=\frac{Q}{4},\ Q _{1}=\frac{3Q}{4} $

D) $ Q _{1}=\frac{Q}{2},\ Q _{2}=\frac{Q}{2} $

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Correct Answer: C


$ Q _{1}+Q _{2}=Q $ ….. (i) and $ F=k\frac{Q _{1}Q _{2}}{r^{2}} $ …..(ii)

From (i) and (ii) $ F=\frac{kQ _{1}(Q-Q _{1})}{r^{2}} $

For F to be maximum $ \frac{dF}{dQ _{1}}=0 $

therefore $ Q _{1}=Q _{2}=\frac{Q}{2} $

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