Electrostatics Question 102

Question: The capacity of a parallel plate condenser is $ 15\mu F $ , when the distance between its plates is 6 cm. If the distance between the plates is reduced to 2 cm, then the capacity of this parallel plate condenser will be [AFMC 2000]


A) $ 15\mu F $

B) $ 30\mu F $

C) $ 45\mu F $

D) $ 60\mu F $

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Correct Answer: C


$ C\propto \frac{1}{d}\Rightarrow $

$ \frac{C _{1}}{C _{2}}=\frac{d _{2}}{d _{1}} $

therefore $ \frac{15}{C _{2}}=\frac{2}{6} $

therefore C2 = 45mF

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