Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 91

Question: If a current I given by $ I_{0}\sin ,( \omega ,t-\frac{\pi }{2} ) $ flows in an ac circuit across which an ac potential of $ E=E_{0}\sin \omega ,t $ has been applied, then the power consumption P in the circuit will be [CPMT 1986; Roorkee 1992; SCRA 1996; MP PMT 1994; RPET 2001; MP PET 2001, 02]


A) $ P=\frac{E_{0}I_{0}}{\sqrt{2}} $

B) $ P=\sqrt{2}E_{0}I_{0} $

C) $ P=\frac{E_{0}I_{0}}{2} $

D) P = 0

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Correct Answer: D


Phase angle $ \varphi =90^{o} $ , so power $ P=Vi\cos \varphi =0 $

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