Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 513

Question: The magnetic flux $ \phi $ linked with a conducting coil depends on time as $ \phi =4t^{n}+6 $ , where n is a positive constant. The induced emf in the coil is e. Then which is wrong?


A) If $ 0<n<1 $ , $ e\ne 0 $ and $ . | e . | $ decreases with time

B) If n=1, e is constant

C) If n > 1, $ | e | $ increases with time

D) If n>l, $ | e | $ decreases with time

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Correct Answer: D


  • $ \phi =4t^{n}+6 $

    $ \frac{d\phi }{dt}=4n{{t}^{n-1}} $

    $ | {\vec{e}} |=4n{{t}^{n-1}} $ ,

    $ | . e | .=\frac{4n}{{{t}^{1-n}}} $

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