Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 479

Question: A rectangular loop PQRS, is pulled with constant speed into a uniform transverse magnetic field by a force F (as shown). E.m.f. induced in side PS and potential difference between points P and S respectively are (Resistance of the loop = r)


A) zero, $ \frac{Fr}{B\ell } $

B) zero, zero

C) zero, $ \frac{Fr}{6B\ell } $

D) $ \frac{Fr}{6B\ell },,\frac{Fr}{6B\ell } $

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Correct Answer: C


  • There is no charge in flux through PS and so induced emf will be zero. But $ V_{p}-V_{B}=V_{Q}-V_{R} $ Also, $ F=Bil $ or $ i=\frac{F}{B\ell } $
    $ \therefore V_{P}-V_{B}=V_{Q}-V_{R}=ir_{QR}=\frac{F}{B\ell }\times \frac{r}{6}=\frac{Fr}{6B\ell } $

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