Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 457

Question: In a uniform and constant magnetic field of induction B, two long conducting wires ab and cd are kept parallel to each other at distance $ \ell $ with their plane perpendicular to B. The ends a and c are connected together by an ideal inductor of inductance L. A conducting slider wire PQ is imparted a speed $ v_{0} $ at time t=0. The situation is . At time $ t=\frac{\pi \sqrt{ML}}{4,B\ell } $ , the value of current $ I $ through the wire PQ is (ignore any resistance, electrical as well as mechanical)


A) $ \sqrt{\frac{mv_{0}^{2}}{L}} $

B) $ \sqrt{\frac{mv_{0}^{2}}{2L}} $

C) $ \sqrt{\frac{mv_{0}^{2}}{4L}} $

D) zero

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Correct Answer: B


  • $ I(t)=\sqrt{\frac{m}{L}}v_{0},\sin ,\omega t $ where $ \omega =\frac{B\ell }{\sqrt{mL}} $
    $ \Rightarrow I=\sqrt{\frac{mv_{0}^{2}}{2L}} $

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