Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 393

Question: When a bar magnet falls through a long hollow metal cylinder fixed with its axis vertical, the final acceleration of the magnet is [BVP 2003]


A) Equal to zero

B) Less than g

C) Equal to g

D) Equal to g in to beginning and then more than g

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Correct Answer: A


If bar magnet is falling vertically through the hollow region of long vertical copper tube then the magnetic flux linked with the copper tube (due to ’non-uniform’ magnetic field of magnet) changes and eddy currents are generated in the body of the tube by Lenz’s law the eddy currents opposes the falling of the magnet which therefore experience a retarding force. The retarding force increases with increasing velocity of the magnet and finally equals the weight of the magnet. The magnet then attains a constant final terminal velocity i.e. magnet ultimately falls with zero acceleration in the tube.

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