Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 346

Question: The Three circuits with identical batteries, inductors, and resistors. Rank the circuits according to the current through the battery (i) just after the switch is closed and (ii) a long time later, greatest first


A) (i) $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1}(i_{1}=0) $ (ii) $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1} $

B) (i) $ i_{2}<i_{3}<i_{1}(i_{1}\ne 0) $ (ii) $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1} $

C) (i) $ i_{2}=i_{3}=i_{1}(i_{1}=0) $ (ii) $ i_{2}<i_{3}<i_{1} $

D) (i) $ i_{2}=i_{3}>i_{1}(i_{1}\ne 0) $ (ii) $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1} $

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Correct Answer: A


Just before closing the switch.

$ i_{1}=0, $ $ i_{2}=\frac{E}{R} $ , $ i_{3}=\frac{E}{2R} $ so $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1} $

$ (i_{1}=0) $ After a long time closing the switch Hence $ i_{2}>i_{3}>i_{1} $

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