Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 333

Question: A square metallic wire loop of side 0.1 m and resistance of 1W is moved with a constant velocity in a magnetic field of 2 wb/m2 as . The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the loop, loop is connected to a network of resistances. What should be the velocity of loop so as to have a steady current of 1mA in loop


A) 1 cm/sec

B) 2 cm/sec

C) 3 cm/sec

D) 4 cm/sec

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Correct Answer: B


Equivalent resistance of the given Wheatstone bridge circuit (balanced) is 3W so total resistance in circuit is $ R=3+1=4\Omega $ . The emf induced in the loop $ e=Bvl $ . So induced current $ i=\frac{e}{R}=\frac{Bvl}{R}, $
$ \Rightarrow ,{{10}^{-3}}=\frac{2\times v\times (10\times {{10}^{-2}})}{4}\Rightarrow v=2cm/sec. $

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