Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 139

Question: The voltage of an ac supply varies with time $ (t) $ as $ V=120\sin 100\pi t\cos 100\pi t. $ The maximum voltage and frequency respectively are [MP PMT 2001; MP PET 2002]


A) 120 volts, 100 Hz

B) $ \frac{120}{\sqrt{2}} $ volts, 100 Hz

C) 60 volts, 200 Hz

D) 60 volts, 100 Hz

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Correct Answer: D


$ V=120\sin 100\pi t\cos 100\pi t $

$ \Rightarrow V=60\sin 200\pi t $

$ {V_{\max }}=60V $ and $ \nu =100Hz $

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