Electro Magnetic Induction And Alternating Currents Question 110

Question: A lamp consumes only 50% of peak power in an a.c. circuit. What is the phase difference between the applied voltage and the circuit current [MP PMT 2004]


A) $ \frac{\pi }{6} $

B) $ \frac{\pi }{3} $

C) $ \frac{\pi }{4} $

D) $ \frac{\pi }{2} $

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Correct Answer: B


$ P=\frac{1}{2}V_{o}i_{o}\cos \varphi \Rightarrow P=P_{Peak}.\cos \varphi $
$ \Rightarrow \frac{1}{2}(P_{peak})=P_{peak}\cos \varphi \Rightarrow \cos \varphi =\frac{1}{2}\Rightarrow \varphi =\frac{\pi }{3} $

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