Atoms And Nuclei Question 72

Question: The energy of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is $ -13.6\ eV $ . The energy of the level corresponding to the quantum number n = 2 (first excited state) in the hydrogen atom is [CBSE PMT 1996; CBSE PMT 1997, 2001; MP PET 2000; AFMC 2000, 01, 02; BCECE 2003]


A) ? 2.72 eV

B) ? 0.85 eV

C) ? 0.54 eV

D) ? 3.4 eV

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Correct Answer: D


$ E_{n}=\frac{-13.6}{n^{2}}=\frac{-13.6}{4}=-3.4eV $

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