Atoms And Nuclei Question 337

Question: Binding energy per nucleon vs mass number curve for nuclei is . W, X, F and Z are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release energy is


A) $ Y\to 2Z~ $

B) $ W\to X+Z $

C) $ W\to 2Y $

D) $ X\to Y+Z $

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Correct Answer: C


  • Energy is released when stability increases.

This will happen when binding energy per nucleon increases.

Reactant Product

Reaction [a] $ 60\times 8.5MeV $ $ =510MeV $ $ 2\times 30\times 5 $ $ =300MeV $

Reaction [b] $ 120\times 7.5 $ $ =900MeV $ $ (90\times 8+30\times 5) $ $ =870MeV $

Reaction [c] $ 120\times 7.5 $ $ =900MeV $ $ 2\times 60\times 8.5 $ $ =1020MeV $

Reaction [d] $ 90\times 8 $ $ =720MeV $ $ (60\times 8.5+30\times 5) $ $ =600MeV $

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